Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day 20 -- A dream of mine

A far fetched dream I have is to someday open a business of my own.  I vary on what I want to own, sometimes I want to do a hotel/inn, or a restuarant, a store that promotes natural living, I have even played around with the idea of getting a midwifery licence to open a birth center. I change my mind often, but I like to be in charge (who would have and running a place intrigues me.  A new cloth diapering store just opened up in Killeen, and that made me think of this again. We will see....maybe one day I will choose something and go for it.

A restaurant?

A Bed and Breakfast?

Supporting natural living?

Helping pregnant women

For now though, I am completely satisfied with being a wife and a mama, and that is probably why I cannot pin down a thought of just one idea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you find your dream and being a wife and mommy is a great one.
