Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 23 -- Personality Pride

Doing this blog took me nearly 2 hours. It really pointed out my self esteem issues even more. I can't even think of three things I like about myself. It's hard. It is something I am trying to work on. Hopefully someday it will be better.

1. I'll do anything for someone I love, just ask Ethan, Charlie, Steffy Jo, Bubba Ray or my close friends. But most of all, Jesus. I love him and will do ANY thing for him.

2. I may not be who I should be, but thank God I am not who I once was. I am constantly trying to stay good. I want to grow in God, I want to be filled with His word and love. I love getting better. Better at being a Christian, better at being a wife and mama, better at cooking, better at blogging. You name it, I want to be better.

This blog asked for three things I am proud of. I can absolutely not think of a third, and sitting here staring is kinda making me feel depressed. So I quit. I am happy at who I am, and I am happy thriving to be better. I am not going to let a blog topic bring me down.

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